Friday 15 October 2010

This Site

What more is left to say?

I've tried to shout at you, I've tried screaming at you, I've tried SCREAMING IN MOTHERFUCKING BOLD AND ITALICS!!

I've tried spamming spreadding the word on other sites. Admittedly, I would normally get banned for doing so, but that just means the sites are run by chantard trolls and motherfucking retards!

Nothing I say or do ever changes anything whatsoever.

You evidently have no interest at all in saving this place since I never see any fucking referrers except from Google. I mean, I know I took the site off-line for 5 days recently. And the site name was changed a little while back. You idiots need to be checking the site every day, and every combination of the site name. Well, you would if you were loyal IWABroers. Idiots.
You have never helped me in any way. I mean, you guys need to be paying for all the site hosting fees EVERY MONTH! I also want you to buy ads at $100 per month. Every month. Retards.

You also need to get at least 100 people, per person, on this site and posting quality topics. By quality I mean:

  1. NO SPELLING ERRORS. Not even typos. Obviously, that means that after you have typed out your full post, you need to read it all again. Most people tend to type one sentance, or even one word replies. I don't know why...
  2. NO GRAMMAR ERRORS. Even if it is a difficult point. Look it up you fucking CRETINS!
  3. NO GOING OFF-TOPIC. It doesn't matter what the original post is, it can be needing to take a shit, or what you want to eat for dinner. Just don't go off-topic you morons.
I also want you to classify all the polls, classify all the topics, and check all the topics for any other errors and reporting them. UNDERSTAND THAT YOU FUCKING MOTHERFUCKERS!?!

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This place has "insanely" high quality standards according to most people. Pretend that you are writing an article for a large, respected, printed magazine. Not kidding — PLEASE write properly and do not publish less-than-perfect texts! Since this is a reply: NEVER refer to posters by specific letters!

You are not recognized as the original poster of this topic. Do not pretend to be. (If you actually are the one who started this discussion, and you have done something to lose your internal ID, you need to restore it before posting. Otherwise, you will be considered an impersonator, resulting in unpleasantness.)